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It is common knowledge that children's safety education is an extended process. As they grow older and become more independent, our ability to supervise them is more limited. It is our duty to educate and prepare them well for the stage when we are no longer at hand to take care of them, so that they will be able to guard and protect themselves from danger.

We must also help them develop a deep sense of responsibility so that they will not endanger others. Likewise, we must teach them that at times others are liable to act in ways that endanger them, whether through irresponsibility, lack of caution or for any other reason. They must be aware of this and learn to take appropriate precautions, such as in the playground, when crossing the road, and so on.

Accidents can happen anywhere and at any time. With God's help it is in our power to prevent many accidents if we are aware of the things that are likely to cause them. Adults must learn to recognize possible dangers to which their children are likely to be exposed. In this way, the parents can take the necessary precautions to protect their children as well as teaching them to protect themselves.

Taking proper care of our children includes acquiring a basic knowledge of first aid in the event of an accident in the home. Every home should have a first aid kit. Parents should also teach their children fundamentals such as the need to keep a cut clean, what to do in the event of an insect bite, Epilepsy fracture, dislocation, drowning, fire accident, asthma attack, etc. An organization to teach children first aid basics would be a blessed enterprise!

First Aid is the initial and immediate care given when there is an injury or illness, before the arrival of proper medical assistance. It can be performed by non experts.  Knowing what to do and being able to react quickly can limit the severity of injury and it could mean the difference between life and death.




Preventive measures to save lives,

Prevention of further harm and to promote recovery.



Dr .Olumide Adewakun

Dr.Alex Nnadozie

Dr Mfon Kerry

Dr Hassan Isa

Dr Keenea Auta.



  1. Cardio–Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

To revive a person who is unconscious and unresponsive.

  1. Choking: this occurs when the airway becomes either partially of completely blocked by a foreign object such as a piece of food or a small toy. A person who is choking can quickly become unresponsive and die, so it is important to act quickly.
  2. Asthma Attack: History of asthma, difficulty speaking and breathing, noisy breathing - wheezing etc
  3. 4. Epilepsy/Seizures/Convulsion

Recognition: stiffen and fall to the ground, convulsing, rigid body, clenched jaw, etc

What to do? Clear the space around the person, protect the head by padding, etc

  1. Bleeding: Minor bleeding - from small cuts, scrapes

i..Nose bleeding; common cause of nose bleeds include a blow to the nose, sneezing, picking or blowing the nose and high blood pressure.

ii.Severe Bleeding: control bleeding by applying direct pressure to the wound

  1. Fractures: this is a break or crack in the bone. In most cases the damage to the bone will be under the skin, which is called a closed fracture, but sometimes fragments of the bone can puncture through the skin to become open fracture
  2. Dislocation: This is a joint injury in which the bones are partly or completely pulled out of their normal position and can affect any part of the body.
  3. Burns and Scalds: This is damage to the skin caused by heat. It is usually caused by dry heat, like fire, a hot iron or the sun.
  4. Drowning:

Note: Do not attempt to rescue if you cannot swim or if you are not trained. If you have rescued the casualty from the water, help them lie down, etc

  1. Bites: Animal bites and snake bites.

Animal bites: bites from sharp, pointed teeth cause deep puncture wounds. This can damage tissues and let germs into the skin.

Snake Bites: In case of snake bites, help the victim down with the head and shoulder raised, reassure the casualty and advise him/her not to move the bitten limb to prevent venom from spreading and call for help.

  1. Electric Shock: When a person is electrocuted, the electric current passing through the body may stun them, causing their breathing and heartbeat to stop, the electric current can also cause burns.

What to do?: If the person is still in contact with the electric source, do not touch them because you may also get electrocuted in the process. Ask for help.

  1. Proper Hand Washing Techniques. Students were taught the proper hand washing techniques
Read 1395 times Last modified on Wednesday, 23 June 2021 18:56