Happy Easter Celebrations

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Dear Parents and Guardians,
It is my pleasure and joy to share this Easter message of hope and encouragement with all of you. This year, my Easter message is a very simple one. It is direct and it is intended for all of us regardless of age, occupation, ethnic origin, religion or background. It is a universal message that I hope will make sense to all of us wherever we find ourselves at this challenging time in the history of the world.

Celebrating Easter in troubled times
By now, none of us needs reminding that this Easter is very different from any other that most of us will have known in our lifetime. We are all fully aware of the current COVID-19 world pandemic and the vice-like grip that it has taken on almost every corner of the globe. Apart from the real and understandable danger presented by the prospect of contracting a disease of this nature and for which there is yet no known cure, especially when we hear daily about the growing number of people infected and the number of fatalities, it is important for us to take a step back and try to put things in perspective. This is the only way that we, as families and communities initially, and then as nations eventually will have any hope of containing the spread and ultimately overcoming the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.
It is important to emphasize that this perspective I am talking about needs to be underscored by accurate information gleaned from reliable sources and the application of basic common sense, based on this information, if it is to be of any lasting benefit to us. In a world where fake news is rife, it is easy for us to get carried away by fear and pushed into a state of confusion and chaos by the abundance of ‘fear mongering’ messages that are currently going viral on the Internet and on social media, thereby making irrational decisions and forgetting the ‘still small voice’ of truth and reason that is available to all of us if only we will take the time to listen and be guided by it.

The solution to this problem rests with all of us
The simple truth is that whether we are heads of state, law makers, entrepreneurs, religious leaders or ordinary citizens, COVID-19 is real and is no respecter of persons and as daily news bulletins will attest, it does not discriminate in terms of who it will affect and who it will bypass, making us ALL potential victims if we are not careful. For this reason, it is imperative for us all to take a uniform approach to protecting ourselves and our loved ones by adhering strictly to directives and guidelines from trusted authorities on such strategies as social distancing and the need to stay in our homes and to function as far as possible from there. This includes working from home and taking advantage of our online school facility that is currently in place. It is my fervent belief that if each of us takes individual responsibility for making safety our primary focus, before we know it, everyone will have done the same thing and victory over COVID-19 will become a matter of time and life will quickly return to a semblance of normality.

The real meaning of Easter
This is the essence of my Easter message this year. It is a reminder that Easter speaks of the victory of Christ. But we must remember that before that victory was won, Christ had to face challenges and temptations. The Easter story tells us how Christ offered Himself for our salvation by making the ultimate sacrifice of laying down His own life for our own good. It also teaches us that it was only by being willing to make that sacrifice that the desired victory was achieved and the forces of evil overcome.
In a similar vein, this current coronavirus pandemic presents a similar challenge and is also a reminder of the need to make sacrifices for the common good. Thankfully, most of us are not called to sacrifice our lives but instead to remember what is really important in life (like our families, loved ones and life itself) and to make changes to our lifestyles and daily habits accordingly, to ensure the progress of the nation as a whole. We are called to make sacrifices for the rule of law to take effect and for the safety and wellbeing of all citizens to prevail. My Easter message to all of us then is an assertion that the solution to this current world problem rests with all of us and we can all do what is necessary to be a part of the solution by doing the right things.

Receive the gift of the risen Christ
As we remember this season – the sacrifice and the victory of the risen Christ, therefore, I pray that the peace and blessings of Easter will rest and abide with every member of the Premiere Academy family this year and always. I pray also that we will all be wise enough to be a part of the solution and God will surely help and protect us as we do so. God bless you all, God bless Premiere Academy, and God bless Nigeria. Please continue to stay safe.

Rowland E. Eno



Read 1084 times Last modified on Wednesday, 23 June 2021 18:56