2019 Annual Speech and Prize Giving day

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The Speech and Prize giving day commenced on the 9th of July 2019 in an atmosphere ofexcitement and mixed emotions as students pondered on the eligible candidates selected for the prestigious academic excellence awards after a rigorous battle at the just concluded third term examinations. It was a day when the Premiere academic team composed of the Principal, Head of Learning, Heads of School, Year heads, class teachers, fellow students and parentsgathered together in a unique manner to recognize the ingenuity and academic prowess Premiere Academy students displayed during the session.

Parents trooped intothe multipurpose hall in their numbers as they waited in excited anticipation for the programme to begin. It was the last occasion for students of all class to attend, marking the end of term (2018/2019 session) and the commencement of the summer holiday season.

The programme started with an opening prayer by, Mr Adesanmi, the school chaplain who filled the atmosphere with grateful hearts and thanks to the Almighty for a successful academic year and another opportunity to graduate a set of students from the school. The school Principal, Mr Rowland Eno, in his usual British style mounted the stage to give an opening address to the seated crowd. He thanked the students for their academic efforts and discipline throughout the academic year. He urged them to work harder to be recognized and to remember that the journey to academic excellence wasn’t made in a day, but rather was a combination of consistent conscientious efforts to maintain excellence. With excitement a tinged with a touch of anxiety, the award sessionbegan as the hosts and Master of Ceremonies reeled out the award recipients for the best subjects in various classes.


The best students in SS2:

Tourism and Literature in English was Miss Goodness Nwozor Onyinye.

Government and Civic Education was Miss Judith Dilkon.

Physics, Further Mathematics and Economics was Master Jasper Samuel Nshem.

Biology, ICT, AgricScience and RTEW (Radio, Television and Electronic Works) was Master Timothy Amakundi.

Financial Accounting was Miss EjimbeChidinma Faith.

Technical Drawing, Chemistry and Geography was Master Ulan Andrew.

The best SS1 students in:
Biology, Technical Drawing was Miss Omeiza Hannah
Economics, Chemistry and Physics was Miss Nwaiwu Keren
Food and Nutrition was Miss Odo Chidimma Sophia.

Financial Accounting was Master Subomi Kehinde.

The overall best in JSS3 set was no other person than Miss Akeju Gbemisola Ngozi while the second overall best was Master Maji Ojodomo Raphael.

The best students in JS2:

Mathematics was Master Yusuf Muhammed Lukman.

Cultural and Creative Arts and Business Studies was Master Daniel Alamina

The best students in JS1:

There was a big surprise as just one person in the person of Miss Chisom Odom cleared all the awards except the best in Mathematics.


The award session attracted standing ovations and accolades as parents marveled at the excitement of the crowd watching as students bagged academic gifts. In the end, the parents and studentswere ushered into a mini hall to receive their refreshments, where they relaxed with their wards as they pondered over the outcome of the awards. After a good time they bade themembers of staff farewell as they set-off for the summer holidays, only to return in September for another academic session.

Read 5365 times Last modified on Wednesday, 23 June 2021 18:56