5 Ways Positive Mentoring helps Students at Premiere Academy

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Whether you like it or not, your child is currently being influenced by someone excluding you and most likely, it is their teachers in school.
Inarguably, children need positive relationships with caring adults. According to a study on the Benefits of Mentoring conducted by the Edna McConnell Clark Foundation; “Parents generally fill this central need, but many children benefit from relationships with other adults, and these adults are usually their teachers.” 
At Premiere Academy, the mentoring of our students is a vital aspect of our school programme. As such, we are constantly working towards providing our students with the tools and support to succeed both within and outside the school environment. Our mentorship programme is an informal process that helps students to gain insights, knowledge, social capital, and support in developing their personal and interpersonal skills. We gain perspectives from school veterans who lend age-long wisdom acquired from paying attention to every aspect of a child’s life. 
These Veterans also serve as mentors to our students.  We believe that mentorship can have a lasting impact on our students' lives and further fulfil our vision of creating future leaders who will become ‘The Pride of the Nation’.
Furthermore, studies have proven the positive impact proper mentoring has on students. According to the National Mentoring Partnership, its benefits include: greater self-esteem and better social-emotional development; these two benefits are critical for students to make their academic and career goals.
We understand that parents have meaningful desires for their children, and choosing the right school is one of them. Therefore as a school, we help make this decision easier by providing a positive and supportive environment where children can actualize their full potential while learning.
At Premiere Academy, shaping our students into becoming high achievers is paramount. Hence, the mentoring programme avails students the opportunity to interact with their mentors who are teachers in the Academy, and these mentors ensure that students learn necessary life skills while in school.
The benefits of our mentorship system: 
It improves students’ social skills: We mentor our students to be better leaders by equipping them with the skills that can help them relate effectively with people in any kind of situation. This helps them to develop strong interpersonal communication skills. 
It bolsters students’ self-esteem: Our mentors are always in the students’ corner, believing in their talents, recognising and celebrating their successes, and this enhances their self-esteem. 
It supports academic and personal success: Regardless of the situation, our mentorship programme serves as a ladder for students to attain academic and personal success.
It provides career guidance and exploration for students: We are constantly looking for networking opportunities for our students. Many of our mentors act as career counsellors, helping students to brainstorm career opportunities, define career goals and establish action plans to attain professional goals.   
An opening communication channel: Some students, especially the senior ones, find it difficult to talk to someone about what’s on their mind. Our mentorship programme helps students work through their day-to-day struggles.
These, but not limited to, are some of the benefits our mentorship programme provides students in line with our vision of guiding and shaping students into disciplined leaders of global relevance, critical thinkers, ethical individuals, and nation builders. So, Your ward(s) is in a better place.


Read 1068 times Last modified on Sunday, 20 June 2021 23:28