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There has not been a universally accepted definition of learning over the years. This is largely because of the fact that it is abstract in nature safe for its resultant reflection in the change of attitude seen in the learners. Learning is described amongst other things

as the acquisition of new concept which one does not know previously. Aristotle in ____ century B.C defined learning as “an association of ideas following the laws of similarity, contrast and continuity”.  This definition is important and focal to creating a lasting learning experience because students tend to remember things that are similar in some sorts. William Woodworth also added that “any activity can be called learning as far as it develops the individual and makes him change behaviour”. From the above definitions, one thing is central. For there to be an effective learning, a change in behaviour must be seen.

                                    Why psychology of learning?

Psychology of learning is fundamental and foundational to the academic growth of every learner. The successful use of psychology of learning in our school today will in more ways than one push our students into becoming better and fulfilled scholars.  Therefore, psychology of learning by way of definition is the study done by a teacher at discovering the behavioural and attitudinal disparity of learners in his /her classroom. This enables the teacher to include all the students in the learning activities and not to leave anyone out to their learning peculiarity.

A teacher with a good grasp of the concept of psychology of learning can handle his/her class effectively. He is already aware that there must be very brilliant students, average, struggling and difficult ones. Thus, it won’t be surprising to meet them all in one class. Irrespective of any student’s learning style, he/she shouldn’t be abandoned to fate, hence making psychology of learning an indispensable tool in a 21st century learning environment.

In a classroom, there are:

  1. Visual learners – those who understand only when things are presented in pictures and videos.
  2. Auditory learners- those who can listen attentively and understand.
  3. Reading/writing learners- those who we can safely call independent learners.
  4. Kinesthetic learners- those who easily learn things by touching.

The above classes/ categories of learners make it important if not unavoidable that every 21st century teacher must be a psychologist. This is a quality that gives room for an inclusive and successful learning process; validating the saying “when the students have not learnt; the teacher has not taught”.

Furthermore, a psychologist learners’ teacher is not in a haste to pass negative judgement whenever she meets a struggling student. Rather, she considers many factors which can be responsible for such a condition. They are but not limited to:

  1. Learner’s factors
  2. Teacher’s factors
  3. Environment’s factors


Learner’s factors include hereditary factors which could be genetically inherited during conception. Other factors include physical factors, poor nutrition, personality, self-concept and motivation

On the other hand, teacher’s personality and instructional factors are all sub-factors under the teacher’s factor mentioned above. Other factors a good teacher should consider are physical environment, family, socio-economic and cultural backgrounds.

Finally, if twins housed in the same womb don’t possess same character and ability, why expect it from students who came from different parents, different family and cultural background? The first task of a teacher is to psychologically work on the mind of the leaners by motivating them. Encourage them in area they are good at; push them to transfer same ability to their struggling areas. No student is completely dummy.

Conclusively, psychology of learning is an invaluable tool needed in the 21st century learning environment. And if its components are effectively practiced and implemented, there will be a better result. When next you wish to employ a teacher, his/her understanding about psychology of learning should be looked out for.

Thank you


                                                              Premiere Academy, Lugbe, Abuja

                                                             . . . ‘’the pride of the nation’’

Read 662 times Last modified on Wednesday, 23 June 2021 18:56
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