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Virtual meeting with Ss 1 & Ss 2 parents

Establishing a Virtual School Environment is a new venture for Premiere Academy and we are excited by the opportunities that it presents.

Higher education is already moving rapidly into online and distance learning and therefore the skills learnt during this period will be useful for all students in the future. 

Within our design of the Premiere Academy Virtual School Environment, we have retained two core elements that we believe make us outstanding. Firstly, the live student-teacher interaction which is fundamental to all students making progress and achieving their full potential. Students gain so much from the direct interaction with passionate, talented and seasoned teachers. The second core element is the desire to maintain our personalised learning approach that treats every student as an individual and support them pastorally and academically at all times.
We believe that online learning will develop in all students the skills required for independent learning alongside the 21st Century skills to learn in a digital environment.
Education is certainly changing and all at Premiere Academy are keen to change with it.

Our entrance examination is on -  Saturday 20th February 2021. The future is shaped by our actions. What have you decided for your child yet?
Our entrance examination is 4 days from now.
Kindly call any of these numbers; 09039507773, 09033870155, or 07069797855 or
Email us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to know more about our admission procedures.

Read 664 times Last modified on Sunday, 20 June 2021 23:28