1st October is a national public holiday in Nigeria. It is a day that marks Nigeria's independence from British colonial rule. It isalso a unique cultural day where all tribes, cultures and backgrounds unite with a common sense of purpose to stay together, live together and remind themselves of the aims and struggles of its founding fathers.
On the 27th of September 2019, Premiere had its first Coffee with Principal meeting for this academic session. The programme commenced at 10:00am with punctual and optimistic parents showing up in excitement and anticipation of the outcome of the discussions to be held.
The Social SciencesDepartment of Premiere Academy organized its Trade Fair day alongside Visiting Day on Saturday 28th September 2019 at the school stadium.The aim of the programme was to expose students to the skills of entrepreneurship, self dependence and demonstrate the benefits of hardwork.
As is customary, Premiere Academy was invited by the United States Embassy to participate in the annual Education USA University Fair held at the Sheraton Hotel, Abuja on Wednesday 25th September, 2019. This event provides a unique opportunity for prospective students to connect with United States educational institutions and creates opportunities for partnership between these colleges and the Academy.